Saturday, January 26, 2008

Understanding The Cajun French Language

Who are the Cajuns and What is the Cajun French Language?

Cajuns are an ethnic group in the U.S. state of Louisiana, whose ancestors were exiled from the former French colony known as Acadia (now a part of the Maritime provinces of Canada and in Maine), in 1755, during the catholic ethnic cleansing campaign, known as the Great Expulsion, initiated by British Crown. The term "Cajun" is derived from the English pronunciation of the French word Acadien.

Cajun French language is a dialect of French spoken by this ethnic group, with traces of influences from Quebec French, Haitian Creole, European French, and Haitian French. Cajun French language is distinct, mainly in fields of pronunciation and vocabulary, from Parisian or Metropolitan French.

The First Cajun French Language Dictionary

A Dictionary of the Cajun Language, the first Cajun French language dictionary was published in 1984 by Father Jules O. Daigle. It is not exhaustive or comprehensive, and omits certain alternate spellings and synonyms considered to be perversions by the author. However, it remains to be popular among Cajun speakers and writers, and is commonly considered to be the authority on the Cajun French language.

Where is Cajun French Language Used?

The primary region where Cajun French is spoken is called Acadiana, which differs from Acadia where Acadian French is spoken. In the United States, Cajun French is mainly spoken in the state of Louisiana, particularly in regions such as Lafayette Parish, St. Landry Parish, Terrebonne Parish, St. Mary Parish, Assumption Parish, St. Martin Parish, Evangeline Parish, Vermilion Parish, Lafourche Parish, and Iberia Parish.

The number of Cajun French language speakers has significantly decreased in recent years, and its survival has been questioned a number of times. This is mainly because majority of the Cajun French speakers live in an English-speaking nation, are bilingual, and are encouraged by parents to use English. However, there have been some attempts to revive the diminishing language by certain organizations such as the Council for the Development of French in Louisiana (CODOFIL).

Some of the Main Differences between Standard and Cajun French:

In Cajun French language, almost all past tense constructions are made using the verb avoir (to have). Standard French, on the other hand, has important verbs whose compound past tense is made using tre (to be).

Nous Parlons in standard French is always On Parle in Cajun French.

Pronunciations not similar with standard French: 1) /a/ is pronounced with tongue towards the back of the mouth, sounding more like /ɑ/. 2) /d/ is pronounced /ʤ/ (before /i/). 3) /k/ pronounced /ʧ/ before /a/. 4) /t/ is also pronounced /ʧ/ before/i/. 5) /r/ is pronounced as an alveolar trill or flap and not the uvular fricative of standard French, and is omitted at the end of a syllable. 6) /wa/ pronounced /we/, and also often more like /ɔ/, with a bit of an offglide towards /u/.

Speaking french is actuallyl dubbed one of the hardest language however it's also one of the nicest sounding language. Find out how you can start speaking french in around 3 months at Blog59350
Sile Blog63992

Rocket French- The French Teacher

Rocket French shows you how to learn French effectively. It not only shows but also provides lessons, exercises and audio and visual support to aid the learning process. The whole program is designed to make the learning process fast and effective. People might need to learn French or improve their French for various reasons. One might need it to use in a French speaking country, or to improve the grades of the language course, or to learn the language of love. Whatever the reasons are Rocket French has designed the best for their customers keeping their need in mind.

The lessons are arranged in a way that every type of learner can improve and enhance their French. There are basic lessons for the beginners. The lessons are made easy to understand. The Rocket French program also gives attention to the learners pace of learning. Each type of student has different pace of learning. It is unwise to let everybody go at the same pace, because the learning ability varies person to person. Everyone cannot catch up at the same pace. In the cases of fast learners, they will feel bored if the speed is too slow for them and will loose the interest. So the programs are arranged so that everyone can go at their own speed.

It is also designed to fit in with the everyday life activities. One of the satisfied customers reported that her daughter had a very tight schedule and didnt have much time left to do anything else. She wanted her daughter to learn French but wasnt sure how that was going to be possible with no time left for French in the schedule. They found out they could load the audio files in the ipod and that really helped. She could listen to the files whenever possible, as she could it anywhere. It helped to increase the vocabulary and also helped to learn the correct pronunciation.

The program works to improve learners ability gradually and helps to build confidence in them. There are lessons organized for the fresh learners who are beginning to learn French and also the mature learners who want to refresh their memory and polish the skills of using the language. The lessons improve the confidence level and gives fluency to the speaker. The language program is made to suit the practical life. The learner can use the language in a responsible manner.

From the beginners to mature learners, everybodys need is met in the Rocket French. The newsletters provided by Rocket French are really beneficial to learn real life situations and what words to put there in those situations. Rocket French has put quite an effort to make a program to help learners learn French in a fast and effective way. From the housewife moms to professionals, everybody can get benefited using Rocket French. It is a simple and direct way of learning that wont make you bored. All the functions of learning a language are reading, writing, speaking and understanding. Rocket French helps you to improve in every function of the language.

Wouter Van Dyck wrote many articles about the french language. He has tested a lot of language learning programs himself over the years but finally found the right one. You can read more about him and more about learning french: http://www.rocketfrenchreview.infoShellie Blog50818
Shirleen Blog67533

Preparing For The NCLEX

Preparing for the national boards begins as soon as a nursing student begins nursing school. Licensure as a Registered Nurse is granted upon a student passing the national boards or NCLEX. Passing scores are based on the amount of questions that the nurse gets correct in relation to the national average. Therefore there is no discrete passing grade.

The fact that nursing students are started on licensure testing preparation so early into their curriculum is a testimony to those nursing schools with the highest and most numerous passing scores. Choosing a nursing school should be based on credentialing and the schools success rate of passing the national boards. Certain schools that are not accredited will be able to graduate nurses with an Associate Degree in Applied Science. However, graduates from these unaccredited schools will not be able to continue to their bachelors in nursing at an accredited university. The same is to be said of diploma nurses.

Passing the national boards is the final culmination of all of the work a student nurse has put into nursing school. The methods of teaching and the type of questions students have to answer throughout nursing school are structured to help them pass the boards. Board exam preparation classes are also mandatory toward the end of the nursing curriculum.

These NCLEX preparation classes are offered for a period of four consecutive eight hour days. There is no extra charge to the students for this preparation. These classes are usually administrated a few days after graduation from the program. This intensive preparation is not only helpful to the students to successfully pass the boards, but boosts the schools standing and credentialing as well.

As to whether or not students should seek out extra tutoring for the national board exam is entirely up to the student, and depends on how much extra remediation they feel that they need to increase their comfort level. Many nursing students complain about the way that questions are worded in their nursing school exams. Instructors will always explain that the reasoning for this is to help the students develop the analytical thought process necessary to pass the boards.

The most helpful study tools for nursing school exams as well as the national boards are the NCLEX study guides. As students use these guides continuously they develop the mind set to answer similar questions posed to them in class and on boards. There are numerous NCLEX guides on the market. It is up to the student to find the one that helps them the most. Using more than one guide can also help a student learn to critically think about questions.

The student should consult with their nursing department and nursing instructors as to which of the guides out there will give them the best test preparation. Some teachers will offer students a private tutoring session for NCLEX review. The student would be encouraged to take advantage of any nursing instructor willing to help students out on their own time, even for a fee. These types of instructors care about their students and want them to be successful.

There are also computerized tests that nursing students must take in order to graduate. These tests are online and they are timed. The nursing students grade on these tests is not added in to their class grade. These tests are a separate entity altogether. The purpose of these tests is to measure the students competency in each of the fields of nursing curriculum and compare their scores with other nursing students from their school as well as with the rest of the nation.

The student gets a print out of their results upon completion of each competency test. The school also gets the score and keeps a record of those students who did not pass as well as those who did. Those students that did not pass the exams are instructed to repeat the test again until they receive a passing score. The scores are listed by a number and if the student scores at a level that is termed, /unsafe, /then the student must retake the exam. Those students who do not take these online exams seriously are surprised that when it comes close to graduation they are prevented from graduating because they did not finish or repeat the tests with a passing score.

Nursing school is stressful right at the starting gate and keeps up the pace up until graduation. All of this constant bombardment with nursing tests and computerized competency tests are designed to assist the student pass the national boards.

Learn more about nursing education at The NET Study Guide.

Robyn KnappSinead Blog71984
Sherie Blog40886

Is It Time To Send My Troubled Teen To A Boarding School?

Parents often struggle with knowing when its time to consider an out-of-home placement for a defiant teenager. This decision may seem complex at first, but is actually quite simple. The following guidelines will help you to make an informed decision.

1) Determine whether a change in the environment is needed. Youth tend to create an external environment that both complements and reflects their current attitudes and behaviors. That environment consists of the social relationships they maintain (friends), the places they spend their free time, the media they choose to consume (television, music, books, magazines, favorite internet sites, etc.), and the activities they choose to participate in. Every adolescent creates his or her environment and is heavily influenced by that environment. If the environment your child has created poses a serious risk with respect to their health, safety, or emotional/psychological well-being, a residential program should be a strong consideration for you. If a child has not surrounded themselves with a negative environment, but is having problems primarily at home, family counseling may be a better alternative since families can alter their home environment by changing themselves. Parents often have little or no control over an adolescents environment outside the home, especially when the child learns that many consequences are essentially unenforceable. If a child is making poor choices about what or whom they surround themselves with, it is usually necessary to introduce a new and positive environment to bring about change. This allows the child to clear their head of the constant negative stimulus they have invited into their lives and to stop and re-evaluate their lives while experimenting with a new set of choices. In order for adolescents to gain a desire to change, they must experience the consequences of different choices and learn that there are alternative ways of conducting themselves that bring more desirable results into their lives.

2) Evaluate your own effectiveness in resolving the problem at home. If you have reached your wits end in dealing with your childs behavior, or if your childs behavior is destroying your family life, it is probably time for an out-of-home placement. It is important for parents to consider the impact a defiant or angry teenager may be having on family connectedness and peace as well as younger siblings. The last thing you need is for your younger children to learn from or be affected by an older sibling that is out of control. Younger children idealize older siblings and often follow in their footsteps, for better or for worse. If your childs behavior has reached a level that is intolerable for you or other family members to deal with, more often than not, the situation is already beyond resolution without removing the child from the home for at least a few months in a residential setting.

3) Evaluate the effectiveness of other interventions you have experimented with. Many parents reading this article may have already attempted to use several interventions such as drug rehabilitation, professional counseling or therapy, private schools, day treatment programs, or even short-term residential programs. Each of these interventions can be effective in certain circumstances. However, note that none of these options remove a child from their environment (at least not for very long). If you have tried one or more of these interventions with limited or no success, its important to recognize that continuing the same strategy will virtually always get similar results. Counseling is rarely effective with adolescents who have no motivation to change. Teenagers are usually more intelligent than we give them credit for and quickly learn how to work the system. They discover that the best way to get everyone off their back is to say what counselors and parents want to hear. They also employ a number of other manipulative tactics such as guilt or getting counselors to focus on artificial problems. Some teens simply refuse to talk or when they do talk, they avoid dealing with anything that could lead to discomfort. Many short-term programs make big promises, but when teens come home, they rarely have experienced a change at a fundamental level. A smart teen knows how to bluff by showing superficial change after being in a drug-treatment program, day-treatment program, or short-term treatment program. The faade usually only lasts long enough to regain the trust of parents. After returning from such a program, many teens simply make greater efforts to keep their inappropriate activities covert but have made no real commitment to change. If you find yourself in these circumstances, your child probably needs a long-term residential program such as a specialized boarding school or residential treatment center. These programs allow adolescents the time to develop and internalize a new approach to life. They also are able to practice applying new skills, attitudes, and behaviors in a supportive and controlled setting. A long-term residential setting also can humble teens in such a way that they become teachable. Residential placements exert additional pressure for teens to change because they greatly limit the teens options: 1) Wait until I turn 18 and be miserable in the meantime; 2) Work on my problems. If a child has a year or longer to go until they reach age 18, working on their problems is usually the option they choose. In short, if you have tried everything and nothing has worked, its time to enlist the help of a long-term residential program.

4) Determine whether a less restrictive intervention such as those discussed in #3 above might be effective. Parents who have not tried other interventions can usually determine quite easily whether a given intervention is likely to work by asking themselves the following questions: 1) Is my teen willing to work on his/her problems? 2) Is the influence of the non-residential intervention I am considering likely to outweigh the negative impact of my teens current environment? If you can honestly answer yes to both of these questions, go ahead and try the intervention. If your answer to either question is no you are probably wasting your time and money. A teen who has no interest in working on his/her problems is not going to put the effort into outpatient therapy, a day-treatment program, or drug-rehabilitation program to make a significant change. They will probably just go through the motions to appease parents and professionals while continuing to act out or abuse drugs.

5) Assess whether your child is involved in a risky behavior that presents an immediate threat. If your teen has used serious drugs such as heroin, crack, cocaine, methamphetamine, inhalants, ecstasy, LSD, etc. you need to remove them from their environment immediately to prevent possible overdose. An addiction to any of these substances is almost certainly beyond your teens power to overcome on their own regardless of their desire to change. In some cases, you may want to utilize a detoxification facility or short-term (30 days or less) drug treatment center prior to admission to a long-term residential treatment center or specialized boarding school. Other problem behaviors that warrant an immediate out-of-home placement include but are not limited to prostitution, attempted suicide or serious self-harming behavior, use of intense anger, verbal abuse, and intimidation to manipulate others, explosive physical aggression or angry violent episodes. Residential placement is also recommended if a teen has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder, severe reactive attachment disorder, oppositional defiance disorder, or bi-polar disorder when medication and other interventions have failed.

Russ Bundy is the owner of Troubled Teen Programs website, visit for more information.Shell Blog97601
Stefania Blog79580

Arts for Academic Achievement Help Students in Minneapolis Schools

The Arts for Academic Achievement Program

The Arts for Academic Achievement Program (AAA) has been bringing artists into Minneapolis Schools since 1997. While its outward focus is on teaching students to paint, dance, and express themselves artistically, its real mission is to make students love learning and use the arts to apply themselves to their academic subjects. Supported initially by an Annenberg Foundation educational reform grant and in partnership with the Perpich Center for Arts Education, AAA has expanded throughout Minnesota. Currently the Minneapolis School District has pledged to continue the program after the end of the initial grant, bringing the program to 120 classrooms in 40 schools in the Minneapolis School District.

How It Helps Students Learn

Students in the AAA Program develop a positive attitude toward school and learn the value of determination in finishing a project that has meaning for them. National research indicates that instruction through the arts is very effective in raising the achievement scores of at risk groups. The AAA Program has documented the substantial increase in student assessment scores when arts are integrated into the Minneapolis Public Schools. The ties between third grade reading scores and the level of arts instruction show a clear link between the two. The more arts education provided, the higher the scores, especially within groups that have shown greater barriers in learning.

AAA makes students work hard and feel pride in demonstrating their skills to the community. Students perform or present their projects to real audiences and strive to make those audiences proud of them. As a result, students put real effort into what they do and develop a strong positive attitude toward learning. At the high school level, attendance has jumped for students involved in the AAA program, as students desire to come to school and learn more.

How It Helps Teachers Teach

AAA brings teachers into the planning and implementation process. This builds a community of learning that cares most about helping students achieve through an atmosphere of cooperation and understanding. Minneapolis School District teacher teams develop curriculum and work together with local artists to present and enhance new learning experiences. This leads to changes in the way that individual teachers as well as whole schools view education.

AAA research shows that teachers involved in the AAA program change the way they teach. Minneapolis School District teachers see how students can learn, redirecting their efforts toward students that had otherwise been regarded as weaker. AAA gave teachers to understanding and experience to help develop more children in areas such as intelligence, leadership, and motivation. In addition, instruction by Minneapolis School District teachers participating in the AAA program created more child centered classrooms in which children can develop and explore at their own pace. Minneapolis School District teachers learned that the creation of independent student learning activities allowed students to develop their own skills in a different way from teacher led classroom instruction. Minneapolis School District teachers participating in AAA learned how to encourage students to take risks in order to increase their understanding.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Shoshanna Blog43241
Stella Blog11142

What Makes A Great Coarse Fishing Lake?

Coarse fishing is available in a range of waters from canals and rivers to natural and man-made lakes. In many parts of the country, people have established their own coarse fishing lakes to provide a private, peaceful place to fish.

There are hundreds of places across the UK where you can indulge your passion for coarse fishing, but some are better than others. There are three main things that make any coarse fishing lake stand out from the competition:

1. Location

The size and location of the lake is a crucial factor. Too small and you cant fill it with enough stock to keep anglers happy. Too big and the fish can be very hard to catch. A good angling lake is the right size to hold a good, healthy stock of fish, whilst having the bank space to allow each angler a secluded, private spot. Most private lakes are in the countryside, which provides a peaceful place for coarse anglers to perfect their skills.

2. Stock

The range of fish in the lake is also important. Coarse anglers like to test their skills on a range of fish, which all have different movement and feeding habits. Ideally, a coarse fishing lake should be stocked with species such as:


These fish can be different sizes and weights, increasing the sport for anglers. Some clubs or landowners provide more than one lake at the same location, which allows them to vary the stock, or keep one lake aside for particularly large fish or for competition use.

3. Price

Coarse anglers want value for money. Most lakes charge a day or half-day price, which is either per rod or per space. If youre a very keen angler and you want to set up two or three different rods during the day, you may have to pay a fee for each. Alternatively, you may just need to pay for your space or peg the part of the lake allocated to you for fishing that day. Some private lakes may also make a membership charge or require you to join a club before you can fish. Take a good look at the prices that the lake charges and look for any hidden extras before you make a booking.

To really enjoy your coarse fishing experience, find a well-stocked lake thats the size and price that suits you.

Dog Lane Fishery operates three coarse fishing lakes in the beautiful Warwickshire countryside. Visit our website now by clicking Blog7020
Shannen Blog37150

The Morale Myth

Why is it that no matter what you do to boost morale, from parties and picnics to pats on the back, you end up with the same short-lived results? You know, everyones happy for a couple of weeks, then they default to heel dragging and excuse making again? If youre banging your head against the wall looking for new tactics, the only guarantee is a sore head. Heres why. Traditional tactics address symptoms, not causes of low morale. Look to mechanics rather than people when seeking solutions.

Employees want to feel good about the work they output. Most want to excel and see hope for advancements in position and pay. But when theyre always swimming against the current, they lose hope. As a leader, your role is to equip employees with the right tools to do their jobs well. Functional equipment and systems breed success and maintain hope. Sometimes management tries to make everyone happy without really addressing whats causing unhappiness to begin with. The mistake is more common than people realize.

Vermonts Sugarbush ski resort suffered low morale at its ski school a couple of seasons ago. When parents came to sign in their children for daily classes, they could expect to wait at least an hour in long, winding-out-the-door lines. Management directed employees to use the lengthy Disney-Magic-Moment approach to greeting customers: hows your stay and hows your life. Overheating under a bazillion layers of ski clothing, sweat-soaked kids whined and wailed about the uncomfortable wait. Tempers flared. Irritated parents and frantic employees clashed, using words so colorful theyd have burned a sailors ears. To alleviate congestion, management solicited group think from employees. Frazzled, the well-meaning workers spit out ideas like expand the size of the facility and buy faster computers. When in doubt, make a bigger place to house even more angry customersyeah, right. Good intentions, wrong solutions.

One afternoon, some outside help pointed leadership in the right direction. Solutions emerged when simple questions were asked. By late afternoon, management and staff began restructuring procedures. They didnt leave until 2:00 the next morning. Here were the questions they asked:

1.What do our customers really want? A skiers Magic Moment happens outside, on the slopes. Check em in and move em out like cattle. That meant reworking the ticketing and check-in systems to expedite the process and get adults outside fast. Forms were filled out at stations before customers got in line. The fastest-working employees were put on the front lines. Trainees worked at slower times.

2.How can we further reduce congestion? Many people who were waiting in line wanted services unrelated to the ski school. Management stood at the doors to redirect non-ski-school customers to other buildings. Those seeking seasons passes, rentals, and adult lessons comprised nearly 25% of the people clogging up the check-in lines.

3.How can we direct the flow of people more smoothly? Too often, people entered (or re-entered) via exit doors. They interrupted check-in employees with unrelated questions, added to confusion, and slowed the process. By removing outside handles on exit doors, no one could sneak in. Anyone entering the building would have to get past the gate-keeping management team guarding the main door.

Even though the sky was overcast and the wind chill factor drove temperatures below zero, the sun shone in the Sugarbush ski school that same day. These few changes shortened wait time from over an hour to less than 10 minutes per customer. Common-sense systems and procedures resulted in happier customers and employees.

So what can you do to get started? Here are some places to look:

1. Check the toolbox. Are you asking subordinates to fix a leaky roof with a sledgehammer? Frustration erupts when theres a gap between what's expected and what's achievable.

2. Be a matchmaker. Do you have qualified, competent employees assigned to the right positions? Do the positions meet the skills of the available work force? Should the position be human-filled or automated?

3. Get in sync. Do your systems enable employees to meet customers' needs? Remember skiers didnt want to wait in a bigger building, they wanted to glide through the check-in process and hit the slopes. Find out what customers want. Then use the info as a basis for strategies and tactics. Realize also that customers don't always know what they want: it's your job to know.

4. If youre the lead dog, get out front. Are you creating a better mousetrap, or are employees constantly thrown into problem-solving exercises? Input creates buy-in, but too much is a burden. Employees want management to plan, direct and lead.

5. Mirror, mirror on the wall Are employee complaints repetitive? Have you listened to or ignored feedback? Maybe youre the problem.

6. Walk a mile in their shoes. Have you ever performed an employee's job for a few days? You may find that youre expecting him to complete jobs that are unclear, work with tools that are broken or slow, and perform with inconsistent direction. You control the checkbook and can fix problems on the spot.

7. Thrill seeking on the job? If youre always trying something new to keep things interesting, cut it out. People like a change of pacesometimes. But too much change creates stress. Build good systems and save the adventures for vacation.

Mass mental sludge is a symptom of dysfunctional systems and equipment or lagging employee skills. Morale wont improve long-term if your aim is to cheer up people. Keep a sharp lookout for real issues plaguing employees to improve morale and give your headache the sendoff.

© David and Lorrie Goldsmith

David & Lorrie Goldsmith are managing partners of a firm that offers consulting and speaking services internationally; clients include Fortune 200 companies. David was named by Successful Meetings as one of the "26 Hottest Speakers in the Industry". More info at http://www.keynoteresource.comShayna Blog53246
Stacey Blog16063

Put Your Decisions Into Perspective

Modern life is complicated. Every day involves a careful balancing act between duty and pleasure, responsibilities to our family, friends, employer, and community must be balanced between our need and right to spend some time enjoying life. Many of us are fortunate that at least a portion of our responsibilities also coincide with pleasure, but no matter how much we love our family or our job part of being a grown up is accepting that along with the joys of family and profession comes some drudgery. I love my family but no one can make me like scrubbing the bathroom or enjoy grocery shopping. I love my job but along with teaching the subject I love comes a mountain of grading that is sometimes frightening to contemplate. Even when life is progressing smoothly there are unpleasant tasks and choices to make. But what happens when life gets complicated and unpleasant decisions need to be made?

Like many people in the past I was often paralyzed by difficult decisions. When it seemed that there was no good choice I would often duck responsibility altogether until a decision was forced upon me. Then of course I would usually be unhappy with the results. Most people are more decisive than I was but are frustrated by their decision-making.

Some make all their decisions based on what they need or want right now. While this strategy can make life simpler, and sometimes happier, in the short term over time it often leads to problems with money, relationships, and their career.

Some make all their decisions based on their needs and wants for the coming year. While this strategy can also make life easier in the now it could still result in future problems.

Some make all their decisions based on their future needs and wants. This can often lead to an unhappy present as most pleasures are deferred to the future achievement of long term goals, but avoids the long-term problems the other choices created.

I have learned the hard way that good decision-making means achieving a balance of these three methods. When facing a tough choice look at the results in the now, in a year, and in a decade. Visualizing how the effects of a decision will impact your life should empower you to make better decisions and to make living with those decisions easier.

For example, my son just started kindergarten which meant my husband and I faced the choice of continuing with the Montessori program where he had attended preschool, enrolling in another private program, or moving into public school.

Staying with Montessori meant the short-term benefit of allowing my son to stay in a comfortable, familiar environment and supporting a worthy program balanced by the short-term disadvantages of continuing tuition payments and a lengthy commute. Looking ahead, we knew we did not plan to continue with Montessori past kindergarten so in essence we were only postponing the inevitable.

Enrolling in one of the local private kindergarten programs offered the benefits of good programs, smaller classes, and desirable peers balanced by tuition payments and scheduling issues in the short term. Looking ahead, we knew that eventually our child would have to go to public school so why not make the transition now?

Moving into public school offered some short-term advantages including the issue of timing. Our son was ready to go and it seemed natural to move into public school at the same time as most of his peers. Other short-term advantages included convenience and the quality of the program and the financial benefits of not paying tuition. Short-term disadvantages included our son's emotional attachment to his previous school and a general upheaval in the elementary program due to population growth. Looking ahead, we were confident our son could and would make the adjustment to a new school, he would have to make the transition to public school at some point anyway, and that the program's strengths outweighed its weaknesses.

By now you have probably guessed what decision we made. Once we broke down our decision and looked at the advantages and disadvantages in the now, in a year, and in a decade it was easy to see what was really important to consider. Only a week into school and our son has fully adjusted to his new school and has already made friends. Next year will mean some more changes but by then he will be comfortable and happy with his school. And in a decade he will be in high school. However, the care and thought we put into choosing a preschool program and school district will play a major part in his success at that level.

If you have trouble making decisions, or living with the consequences of the decisions you make, then using this simple strategy will make your life easier and better. Compare the expected outcome of each choice in your life now, in one year, and in one decade.

Deanna Mascle hopes you will find more inspiration and motivation at her site at and which offers inspirational, motivational, and thought-provoking quotes.Sharie Blog59718
Suki Blog16423

What are the Benefits of FAFSA?

In the present day, it can quite expensive to attend a college in the United States, and the rate at which the tuition fee is escalating, college education is bound to get even more expensive. Five years ago the cost of education at a private college or university was $15,000 per year. Now, it has risen to $21,235 a year, that is, an increase of 40 percent. On the other hand, the average American household income rose by just four percent during the same period.

The picture is no different for state-run colleges and universities. Although they are less expensive when compared to private colleges, but they have also been compelled to increase their tuition fees. According to Patrick Callen, president for the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, Public institutions have had their budgets cut by states, and they've been raising tuition fees to replace public money that's been taken out of their budgets.

In such a bleak scenario, federal student financial aid appears to be the only feasible way to abbreviate the gap in the cost of education. However, you cannot apply for federal financial aid directly. The federal government will first determine your eligibility for the aid, and for this you would have to fill out the FAFSA or Free Application for Federal Student Aid. In addition to the federal government, the state governments, schools and other financial institutions will also use the information from FAFSA to ascertain your eligibility for non-federal student aid programs.

The 102 questions in FAFSA are framed to retrieve your academic, personal, financial and identification information. After meticulous scrutinization of your FAFSA, the federal government will send you as well as the colleges, which you had enlisted in your form, a Student Aid Report (SAR). The SAR contains EFC (Expected Family Contribution) that is calculated on the basis of facts that you had divulged through the FAFSA. The federal government and other funding agencies use EFC to determine your eligibility for various kinds student financial assistance programs.

In nutshell, unless you fill out and submit FAFSA, federal as well as non-federal financial aids will remain inaccessible for you.

Anubha Shyam is studying computers, and also works as a part-time freelance copywriter. She writes regularly for Blog65892
Sonnie Blog14679

America's Achilles Heel: Its Children. The Unthinkable Terrorist Act

So Many Children
So Much Blood
So Many tears
What will we do?

The soldier stood there erect, proud, and with a heavy heart. He looked at his wife and two children and struggled with saying good-bye. He was going to leave to fight terrorism in a country so far away. Here and now was his first battle. Looking into the eyes of his wife and children he struggled to be strong; to be the image that they would be proud of. It may be the last image he leaves them with. As he looked around the crowd of families he spotted a police officer saying good-bye to another soldier. He walked toward the officer and the officer saw him approaching. Their eyes met as the soldier extended his hand. As they shook hands the soldier said, I am leaving and would like to ask you to do me a favor. Of course, the officer responded. The soldier still gripping the officers hand said, Dont let them get my children.

At the Texas Police Chiefs Conference in Austin, TX in January of this year Lt. Colonel Grossman (retired) of the Killology Research Group and author of On Killing and Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill spoke regarding killing and terrorism. The above illustration with the soldier should embarrass the men and women of the policing profession. As Lt. Colonel Grossman points out, the police are outgunned and unprepared. Soldiers, and all citizens, deserve better than what we currently offer for the protection of our children. They are our most precious resource.

Close your eyes and arbitrarily pick a day in the middle of the week several weeks from now. Imagine six elementary schools throughout the United States. It is a nice sunny average day. Children are in their classrooms being taught by dedicated, under paid teachers. Its noon and the lunch bell rings. The usual organized chaos ensues as students pour from their classrooms into the cafeteria. During this moment of organized chaos, a well-dressed man, carrying a briefcase, enters the school and walks unchallenged to the cafeteria. As is the custom with many schools, parents, teachers, brothers, and sisters walk in and out of these schools frequently unchallenged. The difference is that they are not carrying explosives--enough explosives to kill everyone in the cafeteria, seriously injure those near the immediate blast area, and damage the facility beyond description. Imagine the blast, the carnage that follows--broken, twisted, blown apart little bodies and the bedlam that ensues. If you have a child, imagine that your child goes to that school. Now imagine that this incident occurs at these six different schools across the country all at the same time. The schools range from a small west Texas elementary to a private prep school in Washington D.C. The terrorists are telling us they can touch our children anywhere in the country. In the aftermath, the inevitable questions will be asked. How could this happen to this country again? Where were the police? These are questions the policing profession is unprepared to answer.

Why not target the schools? This has been the M.O. (modus operandi) for terrorists for a long time. When we look at the M.O. its easy to see what they do. Just watch the news. Attacks in other countries have been accomplished through car bombs, blowing up buses full of passengers, nightclubs full of patrons, churches, malls, and schools. They had previously tried to blow up the World Trade Center. It would be nave to think they wouldnt try again. We just didnt think they would use airplanes as missiles. When the Washington D.C. snipers shot thirteen year old Iran Brown as he was walking into school, an emotional outcry resonated through the country. It became evident that if you really want to touch a nerve in this country go after the kids.

In the event of an attack on our schools, what will the police do? With the death of a few thousand children will come a demand for action from the American people; what will it be? Schools across the country will close for an undetermined amount of time. The economic effect could be staggering. Imagine all these teachers out of work. Many parents may have to quit their jobs to stay home with their children. After September 11th the Federal Government declared war on terrorism while we were mourning our loss and trying to find a sense of direction. The government has taken the lead with legislation and funding. Through the efforts of the Transportation Security Administration it is unlikely that a terrorist will be able to commandeer another commercial aircraft. A small private aircraft full of explosives crashing into a school is a possibility. Through the strength and determination of the FBI and the CIA, the intelligence gathering capability of the United States government has become formidable and probably the reason we have not sustained another attack, yet. You can rest assured another attack is coming; it is not if, but when. On CNN September 6, 2001 in an article on the North Belfast School Crisis stated There was widespread revulsion on Wednesday when militants threw a homemade grenade into the road as students aged four to eleven walked towards the school. Frontline interview with Pakistani terrorist Mohammad Abdullah: You killed 14 children. Four others who died were poor elderly people. How did you justify this massacre to yourself? I was not happy about it, and even told Abu Abdullah to send someone else. But he said it was necessary to establish our dehshat (terror). Response of the Government of Israel to the Report of the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights, Professor John Dugard, dated March 2002, It makes no mention of the tragic impact of terrorism on Israeli children who are savagely murdered by suicide terrorists in schools, and buses, in discotheques, pubs and pizza restaurants, in market places and in open streets, in shopping centers and in their very homes, on a daily basis. The very idea of terrorists killing our children is so repulsive we deny that our children could become the victim of such an unspeakable act. If this can occur in other countries, what assurances do we have that it wont occur here?

The mission of the Department of Homeland Security is to develop and coordinate the implementation of a comprehensive national strategy to secure the United States from terrorist threats or attacks. The Office will coordinate the executive branch's efforts to detect, prepare for, prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks within the United States. When it comes to fulfilling the mission of Homeland Security and keeping our communities safe, the responsibility falls upon the federal government to acquire the appropriate intelligence but it will be the police officer on the street who will run into the fray when everyone else with any sense will be running away. Outgunned and unprepared, it becomes obvious that the police are the weak link.

An aggressive, proactive posture will be the key to our success. To strengthen our position we must have better coordination with our federal counterparts that receive relevant intelligence. This intelligence must be disseminated to the appropriate authorities. There needs to be additional mandatory training for all police officers regarding domestic as well as international terrorists. A national database for sharing information needs to be developed. The current status of police firepower needs to be re-evaluated. Police handguns against automatic shoulder weapons will result in the death of not only those who took the oath to protect and serve but also to civilians. The use of rifles by police has been the subject of much debate for several years. Having the equivalent of a military presence by the police carrying M-16 rifles in our schools would have a chilling effect on the learning environment but eventually could become a necessity. School administrators need to work with the police to find a common ground that facilitates a secure and thriving academic environment.

Technology in conjunction with accurate intelligence is our most useful tool. Funds need to be made available to enhance the security of our childrens schools through technology and additional security. A needs assessment should be performed. Just throwing money at the problem will not solve the problem. People will solve the problem. There should be a balance between the police mission, its ability to have access to relevant intelligence, and the technology that is available.

School administrators are urged to meet with their law enforcement agencies and work out a strategy to meet the current threat and a contingency plan (critical incident management) should the threat become a reality. A strategic plan for each school should take into consideration the organizations resources and having established clear goals, objectives, tasks, time frame, accountability, and follow-up schedule, a strategic plan can come to fruition responsive to the dynamic academic and policing environment utilizing the P.O.L.I.C.E. Leadership Methodology (Planning, Organizing, Liability, Information, Control, Ethics). School and police officials must consider hardening the target (school) with procedures similar to airport security where appropriate. Officials can use volunteer parents, school officials, and security guards to augment the police. These civilian assets must be trained to recognize potential threats.

It is natural during times such as these to profile people. Is it wrong? Of course, but it is going to happen nonetheless, especially when we are utilizing civilians to recognize potential threats. A Middle Eastern parent approaching a school to get their child is going to be profiled. On the same hand, does it mean someone like Timothy McVae could just walk right in? No one should be able to walk right into a school unchallenged. There are many schools that have police officers assigned to them. They are usually assigned so that there is a police presence to deter internal violence and gang activity. Some police officers are assigned to schools to provide public relations, teach D.A.R.E. and other classes. An external attack has not been a high priority for most school administrators or police agencies. The S.W.A.T. team in Shreveport, LA has recently started training for a suicide bomber scenario. There are other agencies like Shreveport who are working to be prepared, but S.W.A.T. teams are usually reactionary police assets who respond when something has already happened. It is time for a paradigm shift. They need to be proactive and working with the schools. The majority of schools dont have a S.W.A.T. team readily available to them for threat level assessment and training. Again, they must rely on the police officer on the street that is always the first responder and the first to run in when everyone else is running out.


Americas most precious resource is not its oil, gold, technology, or American might. Its most precious resource is its children. What better way to hurt the American people than by killing its children? We realize this is a possibility as we examine the acts of terrorists. Killing children and blowing up schools have been the past practice of terrorists and it would be nave to believe this could not happen in America. The America people, school officials, and the police must be prepared but must not overreact. Through a coordinated effort between the schools, intelligence community, the utilization of technology, and the police, a strategy must be developed designed to be proactive to thwart potential attacks as well as reactionary in the event an attack should be successful.

If an attack on our children is successful the response from the American government must be of such magnitude that terrorists would consider the consequences prior to another attempt. Imagine Charlie Gibson on Good Morning America saying, America is reeling from an attack on six elementary schools. Many young school children are dead, injured, and missing. There has even been an unconfirmed report that tears could be seen streaming down the face of the Statue of Liberty. What will we do?

Michael A. Keller has been in the public safety profession since 1973 attaining the position of Chief of Police & Director of Public Safety. He is the CEO of the Keller Consulting Group. He has consulted with police agencies on issues involving Police Management and Planning, Leadership, Employee Discipline, Internal Investigations, Criminal Investigations, and investigations regarding the Sexual Exploitation of Children. He is a member of Project ALERT and Team ADAM, with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. He holds a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Police Administration, is a graduate of the Leadership Command College, and a graduate of the FBI National Academy 176th Session. He has written numerous articles on Leadership and Policing for various publications. He has extensive media experience and has been a guest on ABCs Good Morning America, CBSs Today Show, Dateline NBC, CNN, and Larry King Live. He is an avid saltwater fisherman. Blog61791
Sheryl Blog23613

Sphynx - The Facts Every Owner Of This Cat Breed Should Know

In 1966 in Canada, a Domestic Shorthair gave birth to a liter of kittens with a naturally occurring mutation of hairlessness. This liter became the ancestors of today's Sphynx, created through inbreeding and crossbreeding over time. Interestingly, the same genetic mutation that causes hairlessness in a Sphynx is the same mutation that causes the curly and sometimes nearly absent coat in a Devon Rex. Oftentimes, a Devon Rex is inbred to strengthen the gene pool of the Sphynx. A Sphynx, sometimes referred to as a Canadian Hairless, is not always totally hairless; many have a fine downy coating. However, a Sphynx is the color of his skin, not his 'fur'. Contrary to popular belief, a Sphynx is not a truly hypoallergenic cat, particularly if he has a peach fuzz coating.

All Sphynx will still produce some amount of dander, the usual culprit for causing allergic reactions. However, most people with cat allergies find they are able to tolerate a Sphynx. This breed of cat is very hearty and healthy, despite its almost sickly appearance. They are muscular and slightly larger than the average cat, but do require special care due to their lack of a coat.

A Sphynx will become colder more easily than the average cat and requires the occasional bath, as they have no hair to absorb naturally occurring oils in the skin. They are also more prone to sunburn and heatstroke since they lack a protective covering. A Sphynx is a very patient and adaptable cat, making them an excellent choice for apartment dwellers and those with children or other pets. They are loyal to their families and enjoy their attention and company, which includes playing with them.

Thanks to a careful breeding program, the Sphynx breed does not suffer from any major medical concerns beyond normal health care.

There is a website that has great information on Sphynx and most other breeds of cats. It has details that pertain to a cat breeds health, grooming, living conditions, best food choices and more, the website is called: Dog And Cat Facts, and can be found at this url:

By Robert W. Benjamin

Copyright © 2006

You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.

Robert W. Benjamin has been in the software business on the internet for over 5 years, and has been producing low-cost software for the past 25+ years. He first released products on the AMIGA and C64 computer systems in the late 1970's-80's.Sinead Blog54814
Sibby Blog98763

Choosing Your College Location

Deciding where you will go to college is one of the greatest times of your life. You are planning where you will spend then next four years and get some of the most valuable experiences in your life. College location is very important and it makes the decision even more exciting. It is an opportunity for you to move to a new place. Here are some popular destinations!

Pepperdine University is an elite and reputable school where you can get high quality education. Another great thing with this school is its spitting distance from Malibu Beach! Pepperdine offers the dual advantage of being a gread school in a nice place.

Boston is the biggest and one of the coolest university towns in the country. Every one who attends Boston College end up falling in love with the town by the time they graduate.

Vanderbilt is one of the top rated schools in the country, and is located in the south, where you can experience southern hospitality and culture at its best.

If you are into sports as well as academics, the University of Tennessee might be of special interest for you, because it has both. It is one of the most highly regarded state universities in the United States.

If you really want to aim high, how about Duke University? One of the highest rated schools, Duke provides a quality education, a valuable degree and good memories to all its graduates.

For a good women college in a nice, fun town, you might look into Stephens College. Stephens is located in the town of Columbia, Missouri, a nice, small university town located in a pretty area.

Virginia Tech is a great university on the east coast. Its an old, historic town with many scenic places. The school has excellent academics and a great football team.

If you'd like to live on the west coast, USC is a good, well-respected school where you can get a quality education.

If you are an artist and would like to find a job right out of school, you might look into attending a Fashion Institute. There are many all over the country. You may also want to study graphic design to make you job ready when you graduate.

The University Miami has great academics, and everybody wants to live in Miami! The school is also recognized for its outstanding sports programs and extracurricular activities.

Harvards reputation often overshadows its excellent academics. Life at Harvard is stressful, but if you are up for the challenge, it is a great school to attend. Its still as good as its always been.

Yale, too, has maintained its reputation as a great school. These two Ivy League colleges, Harvard and Yale, are old rivals, so picking which one youd like to attend is a hard choice.

If you are interested in studying business and getting an MBA, Columbia University is still the right choice. Business leaders are looking for young recruits with Columbia University MBAs!

There are almost too many choices out there for prospective students. The list above covers only a few. Our preferences are different, you can choose to live in any part of the country. If you prefer being close to the beach, or the mountains, you can let that help you decide on your school. You can pick Ivy League schools, or schools custom tailored to your genuine interests. Before you decide on a school, you should think carefully about what kind of thing you would like to study and where you would like to live. The possibilities are almost endless!

Nic Haffner is a publisher of College Education Info Resources. You can go to for more.Shawn Blog52058
Shirleen Blog96247

Earning Bachelors Degree Online

Should you get your bachelor-degree online? For many people this would seem hard to do. Depending on the field of study that you plan to get, though, it can be actually quite welcoming and a great way to get in the education that you have always wanted. The online bachelor-degrees are a good way for many to get the education that they need without having to get into a college that is set up traditionally. Online bachelors degree programs are par of e-learning, learning is facilitated through, and based on both computer and communications technology.

In recent years, some of the best universities have gone online offering a variety of courses towards earning a bachelors degree. This is a good opportunity for people with busy schedules who want to earn their degree. Moreover, an online bachelors degree can be attained at ones own pace because they are more flexible, and the diploma or certificate seldom states that its an online program. The number of students choosing to earn bachelor degrees online has increased exponentially in the last ten years. In fact, the majority of people choosing to earn bachelor degrees online are adults well out of high school or two-year programs.

For some, choosing to earn bachelor degrees online is a personal goal that satisfies a desire to accomplish something. But for many, it is to become a competitive force in the workplace. Choosing to earn bachelor degrees online, people can manage to take steps towards professional development and still pay the mortgage.

To qualify for enrollment, you are only required to have a high school diploma or G.E.D. Since no prior college education is required, online degrees are also the perfect choice for someone that must work full time to pay for college.

An online bachelors degree is a four-year college degree that an individual completes and earns through the Internet. The biggest benefit of an online bachelors degree is that it usually takes less time to complete.

Some programs allow students to earn bachelor degrees online in less than four years, depending on course schedule and delivery method. Typically, the course follows a strict delivery method of one lesson per specified number of days. The student receives the lesson, studies it as instructed and then completes a test or assignment based on that lesson.

An accredited bachelor degree is recognized all over the world regardless of whether it was earned online or in a traditional classroom setting. So you need not worry about the authenticity of the online university degree programs. There is a wide range of options for online bachelor degree and online universities. So make sure that you spend adequate time on research and enroll in one of the best, most reputable universities.

There is absolutely no reason for not choosing an online program. The certificate that you will get at the end of the course from the online university will not specify whether you earned an online bachelor degree or a traditional degree. So think before you actually dismiss the idea of earning an accredited online bachelors degree.

After earning bachelors degree, you are qualified to go on to earn a masters degree. Earning a bachelors degree produces one of the greatest financial gains on an educational investment.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog9403
Sidonia Blog44599

Nursing School Rankings

The US News & World Report and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Report on Research Funding conduct nursing school rankings to measure the status of quality of different nursing schools nationwide. Various factors affect how nursing school rankings are determined but it all serves the purpose of providing more information to anyone in search of a nursing school.

As you evaluate different leaning institutions for your nursing education, nursing school rankings should supplement your own research. First, determine which specific nursing program you wish to enter and then based on that look at nursing schools in your chosen location that offer that specific program. You can use nursing school rankings to find out the areas of strength of a particular school and if it matches your interest and needs.

In general, organizations determine nursing school rankings by gathering data through surveys that are prepared by professors and other scholars. Survey respondents can be present or past students or administrators and other high-ranking staff members of the nursing school. The survey contains both objective and subjective questions, and a complex method is used to process the answers. The statistics of the school are also one of the factors used to determine nursing school rankings.

For instance, the US News & World Report evaluates NLNAC (National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission) accredited nursing schools and their programs by surveying deans and other faculty staff members of each nursing school. The respondents will review and grade other schools based on a set of criteria. Some of the factors that affect nurse school rankings are student-to-faculty ratios, rate of job placement after graduation and etcetera.

Nursing school rankings from the National Institutes of Health focus on the overall amount of grant funding received by the research programs of individual nursing schools. Research institutions and those who would like to pursue research work consider NIH rankings to be strong indicators of outstanding research programs.

Nursing school rankings are just one tool to help you evaluate a nursing school. There are so many other factors to consider when choosing a school such as the quality of student life, cost, availability of financial assistance, board passing rates, affordable housing on or near campus, among others.

Be sure to look at the complete picture when making your decision. Get to know more about a certain nursing school by looking at the schools website, requesting for an information packet or going to the schools information session or open house.

Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of popular and comprehensive Nursing Education web site. For more articles and resources on Nursing related topics, Nursing Jobs, Nursing Schools, Nursing Education and much more visit his site at:Shandee Blog32832
Stephanie Blog3194

The Intelligence of Emotions: Will the Real Definition of Emotional Intelligence Please Stand Up

The most recent NexusEQ Conference included delegates from over 100 disciplines and 37 nations gathered in Holland to see how emotional intelligence improves leadership. On, more and more practitioners are appearing from all over the world. Google News has stories about EQ every day. It all goes to show that emotional Intelligence is of interest to a wide and growing audience. But what do we mean by "emotional intelligence" -- is it just a nice way of talking about concepts that have been popular for decades? Or is there really a new concept to explore?

Part of the vision of these world conferences is to find a shared understanding, a common vision, which is challenging in an emerging science. There are many different theorists, many different practitioners, and many different models. So rather than choosing one specific model, the NexusEQ conferences work to bring out research and practice that values the power of emotions as a driving force in our capacity for wisdom. In this view, "Emotional intelligence" is different from "emotional," different from humanism, different from openness, different from caring, different from consciousness, and even different from emotional literacy. While there are many forms of psychology, self-awareness, and personal growth that deal with emotions, that does not mean they are informed by the science of emotional intelligence. One key differentiator is how people define the role and function of emotions. In most of psychology emotions are identified as a symptom, an artifact, an aberration, or a coincidence (even in "emotion-friendly" disciplines such as Positive Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Technique, Constellation Therapy, and Transactional Analysis). Emotion is seen as secondary, sometimes even as dysfunction. Generally speaking, psychological approaches say, "Thinking is King," and emotion is a byproduct (as is behavior). Perhaps this is most clearly visible in Rational Emotive Therapy, which deals with emotions but treats them as artifacts of mistaken beliefs.

Another whole school of thought focuses on "Behavior is King." This paradigm is almost insidious in the way it creeps into management, parenting, and education. In this view, all we need to focus on is behavior - and if we can "pull the right levers" (rewards and punishments), we can change any behavior.

At the other extreme, some approaches arising from the "self-esteem movement" treat positive emotions and "feeling good" as something magical or transcendental. Somewhere along the road, the current incarnations of EST, Forum, Tea Groups, and Essalon still act like emotions are a barrier that must be "broken through" with intense feeling and catharsis to arrive at true understanding.

Part of the revolutionary value of EQ is a new perspective on emotions that's truly different from other views. From the EQ perspective, emotions are a functional, adaptive source of information and energy - they are understandable, measurable, and practical. Thinking and feeling are two notes of the same chord. Perhaps behavior is a third note. In this view, emotions are part of intelligence - part of cognition. Both are biological processes and inseparable from our physical selves.

As far back as Darwin (and maybe before), scholars have proposed that emotions help us survive. Going several steps further, we now know emotions are a basis for group interaction, they give us critical information about others and about ourselves, they influence thinking and even create our very consciousness. They cannot be meaningfully isolated from "thinking," and it's meaningless to say one comes first and the other is a result. There are no "bad" or "irrational" emotions, though there are emotions we don't understand and many we express inappropriately. To be intelligent with our emotions, we must recognize and attend to them respectfully and intentionally. Emotional intelligence is an emerging science; we are living on the cutting edge, and this creates some confusion. The plurality of models, theories, and views is a sign of a healthy debate as different scholars and thought-leaders test the boundaries of this new field of study. In the last two decades there have been tremendous advances in our understanding of the intelligence of emotions and there is still much more to learn.

The task you and I have is to find the jewels of value amidst the bustle of new discovery and the hustle of marketing hype. As you learn about emotional intelligence and as you find practitioners and allies to support your implementation - keep the key principle in mind. If you want the benefits of emotional intelligence, you've got to link up thinking and feeling as two partners building a sustainable and prosperous alliance.

Joshua Freedman is the Chair of the NexusEQ Conferences ( ) and the Director of Six Seconds Institute for Organizational Performance ( He works with organizations such as Schlumberger, the US Navy, and FedEx to improve leadership, sales, and organizational performance by increasing emotional intelligence. To learn more about emotional intelligence, see http://www.6seconds.orgStevena Blog87908
Shara Blog95364

College Students Get a Jump on College Funding Strategy with NextStudent

College students all over the United States probably have just gotten into the swing of summer, whether that means finally perfecting their golf swing, getting that deep tan, or acing the most recent quiz in summer school. In the midst of these activities and especially at this time of year, it is important to regroup and begin planning financially for the new school year, according to NextStudent, a leading Phoenix-based education funding company.

NextStudent EFAs Help Students Understand Awards

The best place to start is to review all the correspondence students have received, especially their award letters. This is the document that lists such important information as the actual cost to attend school (includes tuition, fees, room and board), available need-based federal aid such as subsidized Stafford Student Loans ( , non-need-based aid such as unsubsidized Stafford Student Loans and Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS Loans), and the remaining out-of-pocket funds required.

Unfortunately, many times the award letters from colleges are somewhat difficult to understand, which may lead to confusion when students attempt to put together a strategic plan for funding their college dream. However, when students or their parents contact NextStudent, they will receive personal attention from their Education Finance Advisor. EFAs help students understand the types and amounts of fnancial aid for which they qualify, answer any questions, and then work with students to develop a strategy that best fits students needs.

Students Qualify for a Variety of Federal Funds

Students and their parents have an array of federal financial aid options to consider, depending on the type of aid for which they qualify. Some students may qualify for need-based subsidized Stafford Student Loans, whereby the government covers any interest on the student loan while a student is in school, the grace period following graduation, and any period of deferment. Other students may qualify for a non-need-based unsubsidized Stafford Student Loan, where interest is charged to the borrower during this same time period.

Another common type of federal aid is Federal Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students, known as PLUS Loans ( These credit-based options allow parents to borrow funds to cover the education costs of their dependent children who attend college at least half-time as undergraduate students. Parents may borrow up to the cost of attendance, minus any other financial aid.

Frequently, parents find that they pay more for their childs education than they anticipated. NextStudent offers Private Student Loans ( to supplement federal student loan sources. Many parents prefer these unsecured credit-based student loans to borrowing against the equity in their homes or other options to cover the remaining out-of-pocket college costs. NextStudent offers generous borrowing limits, quick preapproval, deferred principal and interest on most student loans, and no prepayment penalties. Funds may be used for study abroad and distance-learning programs in addition to traditional schooling.

Financial Aid Myths Dispelled

One fairly common misconception is the belief that a student does not qualify for ANY federal aid. In fact, even a student who does not qualify for any SUBSIDIZED federal aid will almost certainly qualify for an UNSUBSIDIZED student loan. NextStudent Education Finance Advisors are equipped to help students and their parents understand just these types of issues so that they can put together a plan that best fits the needs of the borrower.

NextStudent believes that getting an education is the best investment you can make, and it is dedicated to helping you pursue your education dreams by making college funding simple. Learn more about Student Loans, Private Student Loans and Student Loan Consolidation ( at

Jeff Mictabor is an enthusiast on the topic of student loan issues in the news. He has been writing for the past 10 years for a variety of education publications. He now offers his writing services on a freelance basis.Sibbie Blog49444
Sheilah Blog1522

Earn Your Diploma With Online High School Classes

You can complete your diploma with online high school classes. Online classes work well for those who left high school early and need to complete their education, those who want to graduate from high school early and homeschoolers who need a recognized high school diploma.

Left School Early

If you left high school early, you have probably already discovered that you really need a high school diploma. Not having one severely limits your employment possibilities. You cannot enter the military or go to college without a high school education. You're really stuck, and completing your education is the only way out.

You can earn your diploma by taking distance learning classes online. That way, you can take the classes when it's convenient to you. You take the classes by computer, and your classroom is wherever you can access a computer with internet service. You take online high school classes at your convenience and at your own pace. You can accelerate through the classes, or take as much time as you need.

Early Graduation

Most people who want to graduate early want to enroll in college. If that is your goal, e-learning will help you get graduation requirements completed on your timeline. You can accelerate through the required classes and graduate one or two years early. Your home school district may even offer free online classes that will help you graduate early.

If you are hoping to enter college after early graduation, online education allows you to explore college classes at the same time you are completing your high school classes. Even before you are formally accepted into a college, you can take classes online from accredited universities. These classes will transfer to your college after you are accepted.


The rules for homeschooling vary from state to state, but wherever you are, one of the dilemmas homeschoolers face is high school graduation. Few states recognize homeschool courses, so most states won't grant a diploma to homeschoolers. Some homeschools and homeschool organizations issue their own diplomas, but they usually aren't accepted as valid. The military, colleges and employers may refuse to accept a homeschool diploma.

Some homeschoolers take the GED to validate their education. The GED doesn't have the same acceptance as a high school diploma, though.

Online high school classes are a good option for homeschoolers. They can complete the requirements for a recognized high school diploma while homeschooling by using online learning.

Taking high school classes online is a good option for any non-traditional student. It's a good way to complete high school on your terms, in a way that fits into your lifestyle.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of where you can find the best distance learning programs and degrees to suit your needs including online college courses.Sidonnie Blog67468
Sharia Blog21779

Online Education

The Internet has shortened distances, making it possible almost all of the activities that traditionally required going from one place to another, investing extra effort, money, and time. Today, you can study from the comfort of your home, at any hour of the day or night and even wearing just your pajamas, if you want.

Online courses have the additional benefit of immediate availability. No more waiting time until the next visit of your mail carrier, just sit down and turn on your PC to enter into your virtual classroom or have your list of today's assignments displayed on your monitor.

Online education, also known as distance learning or e-learning, differs from traditional education because students are not required to visit an actual classroom and listen to an instructor face-to-face. If you have ever thought about an online education to further your current career, or to get training for a new career, now is a great time to get started.

An online education also means you do not have to take a break from your current job or career and can simultaneously become qualified for a better one. Contrary to belief, an online education is valued just as much as a regular one. In fact, people getting an online education are indicating that they are motivated to better themselves every step of the way and are willing to put in the required extra effort for this purpose.

Today, online education has come a long way. Instructors are now being hired to solely teach online. Companies are also hiring these online education programs, since a training session can not only be quick, but also be accessed at any time of the day or night. For many, it is a great opportunity because it gives us all more knowledge. We not only are able to get college degrees through this type of e-learning, but we also can have a life, without having to stay at the office overnight just to learn some material.

The choice for online education is vast. There are an unlimited number of universities and colleges that are ready to work with you and the time that you have available in order for you to get an education in the field you prefer.

Online education has made all degrees available to anyone and everyone who has the will to study. The cost of each degree differs from course to course but here too a payment plan can be worked out depending on your financial status and possibilities.

Overall, online education is much less expensive than going to a traditional school because you save on travel, time, and the courses themselves cost less. Much of the time you are able to get your degree much quicker and with much more ease in an online program than at a traditional college.

Modern technology allows surfers the access to a wide number of study materials and guides in a matter of just a few seconds. Nevertheless, apart from time, online educations provide economy, convenience and effectiveness to any learning program.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog35624
Shalna Blog47550

High Sugar Sodas To Be Phased Out Of Dallas Schools

An agreement was reached this past spring with Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo and Cadbury Schweppes to eliminate all non-diet soda and other sugary drinks from most public school vending machines, unless they have a nutritious value, such as juice and low-fat milk. The voluntary agreement, that affects all of the Dallas schools, was brokered by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a partnership between the William J. Clinton Foundation and the American Heart Association.

The Alliance pushed for the agreement in order to help curb childhood obesity. The three beverage makers agreed amid growing pressure from consumer and medical groups, who are concerned over the high obesity rate in children. They have been pressuring states to enact laws to restrict childrens access to drinks with no nutritional value and high in calories.

The new agreement does not change the rules for elementary Dallas schools, where soda already is banned. It will eliminate soda from the middle Dallas schools, but high schools only will see the non-diet sodas removed.

Studies have shown that just one 100-calorie soda per day adds 10 extra pounds each year. The Alliance hopes the new agreement will help children control their weight. Thirty-five percent of Texas students, including those in the Dallas schools, are considered overweight or obese, according to a 2003 state study.

Nurses within the Dallas schools area already try to identify overweight students at risk of developing diabetes and refer them to doctors. Many believe this is only a first step. Some dietitians agree, noting that soda consumption often signals poor eating and exercise habits, too.

Many Dallas schools parents and students have voiced support of the new agreement, but believe the Dallas schools need to go further to curb the high carb and high fat foods that are served in their cafeterias, as well as the student candy bar fundraisers.

Many educators and consumer groups are not holding their breaths. Students will continue to be allowed to bring sodas from home, which many already do to avoid paying the vending machine prices. Commercial Alert, a nonprofit group that opposes commercialism in schools, believes the beverage makers will back out of the agreement, since it has no enforcement provision. They also criticized the beverage makers for waiting until the 2009-10 school year to completely enact the agreement.

Another problem to enforcing the agreement may well come from the Dallas schools. Over the past ten years, many school districts have signed contracts worth thousands or millions of dollars in revenue. Districts typically agree to sell one companys line of soda and other drinks in exchange for a share of the profits. Many Dallas schools rely on such profits to supplement their annual budgets.

Students in the Dallas schools may not see much immediate change in their vending machine choices, since the 2009-10 school year is three years away. Even under the contract, sodas will continue to be sold at Dallas schools events, such as band concerts, school plays, presentations, pageants, and sporting events.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Dallas schools visit Blog87548
Shandy Blog19166

San Antonio Schools Evaluate Texas Tomorrow Plan

Students in San Antonio Schools in 2008 will have college savings options that havent existed since 2003. The Texas Tomorrow II plan is a revamped version of the original state savings program that many residents in San Antonio Schools blasted as useless before it was ended in 2003.

The problem with the original plan was that it didnt account for inflation. So San Antonio Schools families who used it as their main vehicle for college savings found themselves no better off. Governor Rick Perry announced this newer version that is based on the purchase of units. Heres how it works.

Imagine a student in the San Antonio Schools hope to attend a decent four year college. The parents would purchase the appropriate number of units that the family can currently afford. Unlike the old plan, families dont have to pay for 2, 4 or 5 years, but whatever they want. The Texas Prepaid Higher Education Board will set prices annually. Currently a two-year college costs 23 units for a full year, and four-year colleges range from 57-81 units.

Proponents in San Antonio Schools and throughout Texas claim that this protects parents because any inflation increases will be paid by the colleges. However, some in the San Antonio Schools fear that the results might actually hurt those the plan was designed to help. A great concern for San Antonio Schools is closing the achievement gap that exists between white and minority students. There is a strong correlation between poverty and poor academic success. Some administrators in San Antonio Schools fear that the current set-up will put colleges in the position of raising tuition to make up for the inflation they are stuck paying. And whos left with the higher tuition? Students who didnt purchase prepaid programs- usually the lower income families.

Thats not to say that most residents of San Antonio Schools dont like the program. Actually, most parents are pleased that the state has finally replaced the old model. Some features that parents in the San Antonio Schools like are that they can transfer funds from the old program, or from 529 plans, into the Texas Tomorrow II plan. Its also more accessible because families can start paying even if they dont have money to pay for a complete year.

But, some parents and educators in San Antonio Schools point out- its still not perfect. Funds can't be used for books, food or housing; all items that make up a significant portion of college tuition. And for the poorest students in Texas and in San Antonio, it may not do much to get them into college. Still, the overall attitude of most of San Antonio Schools families seems to be that they need all the help they can get. With college cost rising, and even upper middle class families struggling meet tuition, its not surprising that scores of San Antonio families are eagerly anticipating the new plan.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog136
Sileas Blog16493

Online Degree Programs

An online university degree can help to increase one's chances of earning a higher income from a job, instead of settling for a position that will limit them because of lack of education. Online university degree offers wide variety of online programs; such as Undergraduate, Graduate, Doctorate, and Professional courses. The specific courses offered include disciplines such as business management and administration, criminal justice, health, information technology, nursing, education, human resources, call center professional training, and project management.

Studying on the Internet is a convenient way to earn an education because it won't interfere with work and saves time and energy. Online university degrees can help students to pace themselves and get needed schooling while still enjoying life. The classes offered through an online university degree might only require a minimal amount of work during the week as opposed to classes at a regular college. That can be an added benefit so as not to overload the student's schedule.

Internet programs can be helpful because their courses are designed to interact with professors on an email or Internet basis, instead of being engaged in class work and group projects which is a time consuming process for the workers and employers. Those falling into this category might benefit from pursuing an Internet degree. There are numerous websites that offer profiles for different colleges and universities, including web universities.

Web studies can be a blessing to those who desire to use their time and talents in the required period. They work hard and might be serving in remote countries that don't have schools near them. That's where an online university degree can be a great asset.

There is a wide choice of online courses that are offered by various colleges and universities. Some of the courses offered are general, while others are specific. It is therefore important that you survey all the options available, and then identify the course that is best suited to your requirements and the university that is best equipped to provide you with an in-depth learning of the course. Ensure that the teaching faculty for the course of your choice is qualified and that all necessary technical support will be provided to you in your online communications with the Institute.

After having decided your specific course and the learning center, you need to open a channel of communication with the institution. Each institution can provide the student with specific requirements. An online degree program may include purchasing textbooks or purchasing an e-book which allows the student to access the book online, usually at cheaper costs. Through an online degree program, links might be provided in the course syllabus allowing for additional instruction or templates to use to complete class assignments. Do a search on the Internet today for online degree programs and find out the vast opportunities available to anyone possessing a computer and Internet service. Attending an online university is a legitimate, convenient, and flexible way for you to advance you education, as well as your career and personal potential.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website For more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog46090
Shay Blog43034

Discover the Joy and Power of Reading


for Children's Novels

Focus on Grades 3-7

Now children can improve in reading while enjoying it!!

READING RIGHT is an exciting approach to reading. We believe that reading should be fun and enjoyable. When it is children read more. And when children read more they become better readers!

Reading Right guides provide a way to monitor children's reading comprehension while they practice reading.

The study guide questions range from literal to thoughtful, and help readers make connections to their own lives. However, the main focus is on reading, and the enjoyment it brings, not on an abundance of worksheets. These guides work well in whole class settings, small groups, or with a single individual.

EACH GUIDE INCLUDES: Synopsis, 5 pages of guided questions, and an answer key.

Novels have been chosen that portray the good in characters as they solve problems, show determination, and improve their surroundings.

So sit back with the book of your choice and let the enjoyment and success begin.

If you have a book you would like to suggest, click on to special order. We look forward to adding new novels and guides to our selections.

Dr. Betty Powers is the creator of Reading Right materials. Dr. Powers has worked in the elementary schools for over 20 years both as a teacher and a reading specialist. She earned a M.S. in Reading Education at the State University of New York at Cortland and her doctorate in Teaching and Curriculum at Syracuse University.Sorcha Blog44057
Sonnie Blog14679

Private Student LoanGives Wings to High Dreams

It is not possible that everyone may get the financial benefits of governments scholarship policies and plans. And, it does not mean that those who wish to avail higher education may have not to face the burnt. The lending authority has equipped various lenders across the country with the provision of private student loan. This loan is a great way to finance the education of any student that needs financial help. The requirement of private student loan is usually less strict and has affordable repayment options for young professionals.

Indeed, private student loan has their advantages. There is no application deadlines, rather prospects that are enrolled halftime or more, or are planning to enrol halftime or more, at any accredited higher educational institutions may apply at any time. More so, private aid is awarded not on need- based criteria like governmental aid, rather on creditworthiness.

A reputable private loan source purport, private student loan is only valuable when filling the gap between total college expenses and a borrowers awarded financial aid. To use private student loan as substitution to governmental aid, rather than a supplement is short-sighted on the part of the borrower. Researching affordable methods of securing college financial aid is a short-term investment of time for a long-term return.

The private student loan gives the following benefits:

* A student who is 18 years or above in age, can apply for a private student loan.

* Most of the private student loan is deferred for repayment until the student completes the education or leaves the school.

* Private student loan can be used not only to pay the fees but also for lab fees, dues for associations and housing.

* A student can have an educational loan even though the tuition is covered by a grant.

It is not difficult to find a right lender for private student loan, because most of the financial institutions offer some form of private student loan. Always take the time to investigate lenders in your immediate area and find out exactly what kind of loan they offer. Compare the different loan quotes, and terms and conditions to get the best offer available for private student loan. And, give your dreams with the flying wings to achieve your aspirations.

Richie Morgan is offering loan advice for quite some time. Apply For Online Loan has a vast network of lenders who provide loans to the borrowers at lower APR. To find private student loan, online loan, unsecured online loan, payday loan online, easy online loan, personal loan online visit Blog82188
Sheelagh Blog72960

Configuring NTP on a LINUX Server

The Network Time Protocol was originally developed to overcome time synchronisation issues on the Internet. NTP is an Internet protocol designed to synchronise network time clients with an accurate time source or reference. NTP defines algorithms and protocol messages to aid the synchronisation of network time clients. This article provides information on how to install and configure the publicly available NTP software distribution. It also shows how to synchronise time with an Internet based time reference.

Internet based NTP time server systems fall into two categories: primary and secondary reference servers. Primary reference servers utilise a highly accurate external timing reference, such as GPS or radio clocks, to provide precise time. Secondart reference servers synchronise their time with primary reference servers and therefore offer slightly reduced accuracy. Primary reference time servers are stratum one servers, while secondary servers have a stratum greater than one.

The NTP source code is freely downloadable under the GNU public license from the NTP web site at ''. NTP was originally developed for the LINUX operating system, however, a port to Windows NT is also available. Once the source code has been obtained, it should be installed, compiled and configured on the host computer. This process is automated with the installation and configuration scripts supplied in the distribution. Many Linux based operating systems have the NTP package pre-installed. However, it may be wise to download the most recent version, which is currently 4.2.4.

The NTP daemon is configured via a configuration file 'ntp.conf'. This configuration file may contain a list of public NTP server references that can be used by the host to synchronise time. The 'server' command can be used to specify public NTP time references, characters specified after the # symbol are comments:

server # Public NTP server: NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland server # Public NTP Server: NIST, Boulder, Colorado

When the configuration file is complete the NTP daemon can be started using the 'ntpd start' script. Other scripts are vailable that can be used to control the daemon: 'ntpd stop', 'ntpd restart'. There is also a query script available that shows the current synchronisation status of the daemon: 'ntpq -p'.

The 'restrict' command can be used to control access premissions to the NTP server. There are a number of permutations or the 'restrict' command; a few examples are listed below.

restrict default ignore #Restrict all access to the time server restrict mask nomodify notrap # Only allow local computers access

Multiple commands can be specified to restrict or disallow access to a range of computers.

NTP provides an additional level of security by utilising authentication codes. This is a mechanism where matching key codes can be specified on a client and server which are encrypted and passed between the server and client. This allows a client to confirm the source of a time message. Authentication keys are configured in the 'ntp.keys' file. They are specified using a key reference, encryption code and authentication key. Additionally, trusted authentication keys can be specified using the 'trusted key' command is the 'ntpd.conf' configuration file.

David Evans is a specialist technical author whose expertise is Linux NTP Server synchronisation systems to ensure accurate time on computer networks. For more information on time server systems, please visit: Blog16493
Shana Blog3250

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